How to use
Components that use this trait allow you to call flows and make HTTP requests.
Available methods
href(string $href): static
Set a URL as the target. Meant for internal navigation only.
Component::make() ->href(route('...'))
external(string $href): static
Set an external URL as the target.
Component::make() ->external('')
route(string $route, array $parameters = []): static
Set the href using a route.
Component::make() ->route('contact')
flow(Resource $resource, string $flow): static
Method to activate a specific flow for the given resource.
Component::make() ->flow($category, 'edit')
data(?array $data = null): static
Set data that should be sent along with the request. This data will be injected into the baggage.
Component::make() ->draft(App\Hiker\Resources\Categories\Category::class) ->data(['title' => 'Front-end'])
read(?Hiker\Resource $resource): static
Shortcut to activate the read flow for the given resource.
Component::make() ->read($category)
draft(Resource $resource): static
Shortcut to activate the draft flow for the given resource.
Component::make() ->draft(App\Hiker\Resources\Categories\Category::class)
index(Resource $resource): static
Shortcut to activate the index flow for the given resource.
Component::make() ->index(App\Hiker\Resources\Categories\Category::class)