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Guides: AccountConstructor

The AccountConstructor is one of the Constructor Classes of Hiker. It's used to create the account part of the Chrome.

Here's an example of how it's used:


namespace App\Hiker\Chrome;

use Hiker\Components\Account\AccountConstructor;

class Account extends AccountConstructor
    protected function extra(): ?string
        if (! ($company = Hiker::profile('companies')->get())) {
            return null;

        return $company->label;

    protected function sections(): array
        return [

    // Add whatever methods you need

Required methods

sections(): array


Return application-defined sections


protected function sections(): array
    return [
        Section::make('Famous cats', ['firstname' => 'Gardfield', 'lastname' => 'Arbuckle'])

extra(): ?string


Return optional extra information to append to the username.


 protected function extra(): ?string
    return "Cats don't usually love italian food, but Gardfield does";

Optional methods